Analytical methods in interplay with physics
A workshop to explore Asymptotics, Randomness and Noncommutativity
from Wednesday 27th to Friday 29th November 2024
University of Potsdam, Campus "Am Neuen Palais"
Building 8, Seminar room 0.58
This three day workshop aims at fostering interactions between mathematicians who use analytical tools in a variety of fields in mathematics reaching out to physics, ranging from asymptotics and spectral analysis to topological insulators and rough paths. It will shed light on the intricate interplay between analysis, including stochastic analysis on the one hand and algebra, combinatorics, spectral and noncommutative geometry on the other hand.
Financial support from DFG CRC/TRR 388 "Rough Analysis, Stochastic Dynamics and Related Fields" is gratefully acknowledged.
- Clara Aldana (Barranquilla)
- Ram Band (Potsdam)
- Carlo Bellingeri (Nancy)
- Arkadiusz Bochniak (München)
- Alberto Bonicelli (Paris)
- Ilya Chevyrev (Edinburgh)
- Alessandro Contini (Hannover)
- Nora Doll (Halle-Wittenberg)
- Michał Eckstein (Kraków)
- Eske Ewert (Hannover)
- Michele Fantechi (Milano)
- Benjamin Gess (Berlin)
- Arne Hofmann (Hannover)
- Jean-David Jacques (Potsdam)
- Sarah-Jean Meyer (Oxford)
- Tomasz Miller (Kraków)
- Hora Sadat Mirsajjadi (Edinburgh)
- Alexander Strohmaier (Hannover)
- Hermann Schulz-Baldes (Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Harprit Singh (Edinburgh)
- Nils Waterstraat (Halle-Wittenberg)
- Lorenzo Zambotti (Paris)
Booklet of abstracts:
Christian Molle (Potsdam)
Organising committee:
- Onirban Islam (Potsdam)
- Gihyun Lee (Potsdam)
- Max Lein (Potsdam)
- Sylvie Paycha (Potsdam)
- Nikolas Tapia (Berlin)
- Fabrizio Zanello (Potsdam)
Venue location:
The Campus "Am Neuen Palais" is about 400 m away from Potsdam Sans-Souci Railway station.
Here is a map of the campus:
Campus "Am Neuen Palais"
For further enquiries pertaining to this conference please send an email to